The life inside prison

The life inside prison

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The peace I needed

Before I was charge, I have many questions like you for example, “How long will I sentence in the prison? Should I get a lawyer? Must I apply leave or resign? Should I tell my company? Many questions in the list! However, there was no pure answer until the day I was sentence.
There were many suggestions from books, forums and even lawyers. However, no one can tell you exactly what will be your sentence because only the judge knows.
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:7:
Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?
Hence I remember God goodness and His faithfulness because I know He will not forsake me when I am in deep trouble. I begin to pray and seek God and I received His peace and comfort and I find that is the most important thing I need at that moment. I realized one important fact. When I make a mistake, I must face the consequence and the bible say, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in” Romans 6:23
The God-given peace was what I needed to go thru my case. I decided not to buy any books, not engaging lawyers, not looking at forums and knowing that God was with me in this case.
In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. Psalm 18:6
I know I will go prison for sure because of 2nd time drink driving. But for how long? I don’t know. I did call a lawyer and he says my case will be at least 4 weeks in prison. However after God’s comfort, I didn’t go further with the lawyer and decided to stand on my own in the court and face the sentence.
God was indeed faithful and stand by me throughout the process even when I was imprisonment. I was fearful and many questions. However, there is always comfort and assurance of God presence even in a secured cell. God was there for me in the prison cell and I always remember one verses:
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
Again, I am not promoting religions. I hope you could have that peace in you even if you face any cases may seems no answer to it.
Peace was what I need and only God can give me that inner-peace- a divine peace from heaven.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Prepartion is the key

No one wants to go prison! Many who go to court rather paying heavy fine then spending one day in prison. But for some, they rather stay in prison rather than paying even smaller fine. Is it that they no money? Hmmm..To my surprise, some I know in prison commented that they rather sit then pay the government a single cent.
To me, I will pay. However, this is second time. So I must pay and sit in prison for sure.
To go in prison is all about preparation both mental and physical. There is a saying; just think like serving the army and finish soon.
Mental stress is one of the common problems we face when we face charges. We are afraid of the sentence. We are afraid of the imprisonment; we are afraid whether we could have job after the prison. There are so many unclear thoughts in our mind and worst part, no answers for each of them.
What should I do before the sentence?
1. Should I tell my employee?
For me I did not! I know in my faith I will get about 2 weeks sentence and thus I apply for un-paid leave. However my boss did not ask me the reason and therefore I did not tell him or the company.
If you really want to tell, just let your direct boss know. You need not tell your colleges and anyone in the company. When you decide to tell your boss, remember to humble yourself and ask your boss to keep this confidential.
2. Should I resign?
This depends how your boss react in your case. You can try applying for un-paid leave and tell him that you will be in about 2-4 weeks. If you know you are just pure drinking case and mid alcohol test level, you can apply for 2-3 weeks unpaid leave. If you are still no sure, you can apply for 2 weeks and let your boss know that your family can contact him and give him the actual sentence once you are in. however if your boss is not understanding, then resign should be the last choice. Again, this is not end of your world. There is other great opportunity outside that not required driving license.
3. Let your employee know that you did not commit a crime, but an offence.
A Crime and an offence are different although you may end up in jail. An offence is breaking the traffic rules. Crimes compromised your integrity and character.
Famous people have history of drinking offence like Bread talk boss and Christopher Lee.
However let your boss know that you did a mistake and you will receive the punishment from government. Hence let him know you are sorry and ask him to retain to job for you.
I would say for a person who requires a driving license to earn a living, you must accept that you cannot stay in the work unless your boss put you in different role.
Perhaps there is other great opportunity for you outside your work scope and new challenges ahead.
4. What happen if I go interview? What should I say?
Every interview form has a clause stating whether you committed a crime. You should not tick because you are not. Unless there is a clause stated offences then you thick and be honest.
I believe in honestly. A company will honor that. If you shared to you new employers about your offences and let them know how much pain and suffering you have went through.
In short, you committed an office and you receive your sentence and serve well. Hence you need not to entertain criticizes but face your future with a new hope.
5. What happen if I really can’t find a job?
You can go Yellow ribbon and they might able to help. Some can’t get a job because they are not use to it. If you drive for many years and suddenly no more convenience, for sure you will feel uncomfortable. Same as a job. I take takes great courage to face new challenges.
There are many other jobs available in Singapore whether you have a driving license or not. Perhaps the new challenges did not have the same pay as before, but remember we did a mistake and we must be humble to be responsible.
If you still face problem with job, you can seek help from Yellow Ribbon. Remember we did not commit a crime. We committed an offence. Hence just be honest with your present company or new company and I believe they can accept your situation.
6. Knowing your family suffers along with you
Whether you are married or not, when you suffer, your families suffered with you. Sometimes through such incident, we begin to value our loved ones. We know pretty well that they have concerns and worry what it likes to be in prison. It is not easy for any family to have their beloved entered into prison. However it might be painful, learn to accept the fact that we do a mistake and we know we must be grateful to them for standing by with us. Hence show more appreciate to your beloved and let them know you made a mistake and you have the courage to face the prison terms.
Through this prison terms, I began to love my family more. I begin to think more when I was inside and wanted to do so much for them that I have never done. I believe it was a good time for me to reflect the wrongs that I did and I decided to change myself when I release from prison. When my wife and baby girl visited me in prison, I was loss with words but tears and affirmation of my love to them.
Remember how bad we are, mistake we made, can never change the love from our parents and spouses and kids if we had. Acceptance is the most importuning thing in love.
7. What if people look down on us?
Well! I have a few inmates who have such problem. I remember sharing with them that we did a mistake and we serve our sentence well. Hence we have already paid our punishment and no one should condemn us.
Self esteem is the problem when we live for others eyes. Whether we are in prison or not, it is not the concern. Whether people look down on us or not, we can’t change them. But for sure one thing is that we are not living for them. If you live for a person eyes, for sure you will suffered whether you are in prison or not.
Be courage and strong and face ourselves, not people. I believe after we release from prison, we will change somehow inside and we look things in different perspective. Whether people look down on us; that doesn’t matter. Most importantly, we don’t look down on ourselves.
8. A good lesson to learn in lifetime
In life we have ups and down. But prison is not something we believe we will go. Seriously I never think one day I will go into prison. I worked hard, enjoy hard and never committed a crime. When the 1st day I arrive in Changi prison, it seems like everybody treated the same whether you are committed an office or crime. We put under the same place when sentence is made in Surbordinates court.
People who committed traffic offences, thief, load sharks, and many other cases who sentence in Surbordinates Court will go to Cluster B changi prison. This I will share more under “14 Days in prisons”.
Some of the similar case like traffic offences asked me why we put under the same roof with criminals. I then notice that in prison, we are all the same perhaps the sentence between us and the criminals are different. But for sure the few days we are under the same roof until we are posted somewhere else.
In prison I learn a lot from different people’s life and story which makes me felt I am still privilege. I took the prison as a learning stage of my life and consider a experiencing for me to know my value.
Hence, I encourage you not to take it so hard on your imprisonment and consider that this is not end of the world because it is not! These are some of the facts to encourage you:

8.1 The sentence is made, face it
It seems like a bad dream after all but the fact is that I am going in for sure. Facing reality is something I learned in the prison.
When I heard the judge sentence me 2 week imprisonment, I was at ease when knowing that it was not longer. The waiting period was stressful because no know what the judge will say and sentence me.
I was thinking, wow, 2 weeks, how to go through? It will be a lie if I say no worries. Of course I have but I chose to reason myself that the sentence had made, I shall face it.
I have met inmates who can accept that they are in prison. Some chose to be silence. Some close up themselves. And for some, complain and start blaming. Whatever it is, the fact that the sentence had made, just face it with a positive attitude.
8.2 They are all types of people in the prison, face it
When you are in the prison, you will meet all kinds and background of people. People who are bad influence and people who are good after all. People from different races, religions, culture and even nation. You might place with people who have tattoos, people from other countries, different races and different age in the same cell.
Whatever background it is, we are all under the same roof and you can’t do anything about it.
Learn to adapt and talk to anyone in the same cell. Those inmates will question your case and background. Don’t get offended and don’t close up yourself. If you chose not to talk, of course inmates will leave you along. But for sure your time will pass slowly.
I have learned one thing is that talking and chatting with different people from different background taught me new things. Some are good and some are bad. Some are boastful, some are life story. Whatever it is, take what is good and throw away the bad one.
Many will comments not to give your contact to anyway, which I agreed. Just know that you serve a short sentence and no need to get to emotional about things people say. Note that some will tell you how easy they get money from different source. But if such things are good and easy, they will not end up in prison.
For me, I talk to everyone who approaches me. In Changi cluster B cell, you will sleep with 3 other inmates and I joke with them every day.
Some will tell you stories that it affected you that you wanted to help after their release. The advice here is to be wise. Many come with a stories and whether it’s true or not, no one knows. If they really face problem, the Yellow ribbon is there to help.
It is good to be kind and compassion. However, wisdom is needed because you have no idea the background of each inmate. Of course some will ask you for contacts or even money when they release. Just know that it is not obligated to give your contact to anyone.
Hence whether inmate give you number or email on a paper, do not take it and keep.
The prison is against gangs and joining secret group outside. So when you have a paper where number is there, you will be in trouble even you have no intention to join one.
Just let the inmate know that it is not appropriate to give number or email. If he is not happy, leave him. You still have other inmate to talk with.
3. You are only staying for a short sentence soon will be release.
Always remain yourself that you are there for short time. Time is hard inside but soon be over. Many suggest that going prison is like in-camp, which is some truth in it. This saying is to allow us to prepare mentally.
Prison is about freedom. For weeks, you will have no freedom. Bear with it. You will be releasing soon. Just press forward and everyday you will see it pass.
For other prison information, please look at “14 days in prison” and I will share more.
In summary
Again no one likes prison and no one wants to go in. If happen you are about to sentence and might face imprisonment, preparation is very important. I hope that my experience will help you to prepare well and know that you are not along in this.

Should I get a lawyer?

Should I get a lawyer? Hmmm…interesting question!
My say is this “CASE TO CASE” Basic.
Getting a lawyer is not cheap. Somewhere S$3K - S$5K for basic case. Of course if more complex, more charges. If you want to seek a lawyer consulting, it cost at least S$500 per section.
Why didn’t I get a lawyer? It’s my second time?

1st I don’t see the need
My case is straight forward. Just purely drink driving. I know I will face prison, fine and disqualified license. So whether I engage a lawyer or not make no difference.

Most of the cases, people engage lawyer because they have few charges and face more serious sentence or they have a case to flight.

The other reason is that you want the lawyer to speak to the judge so to give you shorter sentence on your sentence.

Whatever reason you felt of engaging one, it’s your call because the money comes from you. But before you do some, these are my experience:

a. To ask for postponing the sentence date
If you first appeal in the court (normally court 21) for traffic offence, you will be assisted by the staff and they will called your name and read your entire sentence. They would ask you whether you want your sentence to postpone and it’s up to you. If you want to postponed, you can do so and give reason. Normally its 4 weeks postponed but it depends on the judge to grain. I heard some can postponed 3 times without any lawyers but with valid reason. If you don’t have good reason, I don’t think the judges will grand you.

b. To ask for leniency and mercy
The judges heard thousands of request and reason every day. For one thing I am sure, the judge does hear you whether you represented by lawyer or stand by your own. They will normally announce your charges and the judge will ask you anything to say before they sentence you.

For my case, I prepared a 2 ½ page letter stated my situation because I know when I stand in court, I am lose in words. In my letter I admitted my offence and I commented my act is “selfish”. I stated down my condition like health, work, and family and finance status.

The judge did read my letter and she did say much when she was sentencing.
I remember I contacted a lawyer and was told that my case at least 4 weeks imprisonment but I ended up 2 weeks.

For this sentence, I depended on God, faith in Him and prayer.
When I was in court 21, the day I was sentence, I saw many people come with lawyers and some did not. So, I concluded that it is a personal choice to get one to defend your case and remember no one can criticize you because you have the right to defend your case.

However if your case is purely drinking driving like me as far as not involving foolish act like accident, keep your money to pay your fine so that you need not to sit extra sentence due to fine not being paid.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some key questions about drinking driving and sentences

After I was bailed from Ubi Traffic police, I have many questions and concern. I remember the 1st thing I did was go goggle and see any information. To my surprise, I did saw a book on Singapore drink driving and the price was not cheap. Although convincing but after what I went through myself; it was not so.. I was tempted to buy but when I think deeper I didn’t. The reason is that if someone really wanted to help, it should not be on sales. Moreover there are many words that create fear in us. Why? Sample, so the book can sell!

Here are some of the understandings about drinking driving in Singapore. But note that this is not an official statement of the final sentence you will get because it truly based on case to case basis. But generally:

1. What is the sentence for drink driving?
Drink-driving penalties
Under the Road Traffic Act, a person can be convicted of drink driving in two instances:

• The driver is found to have more than the legal limit of 35 microgrammes (ug) of alcohol per 100 millitres of breath, or more than 80 ug of alcohol per 100 millitres of blood. It doesn’t matter whether the driver has perfect control of the vehicle when caught.

• The alcohol level is under the legal limit, but the driver does not have proper control of the vehicle as a result of alcoholic intoxication.
• First conviction: Fine of between $1,000 and $5,000 or jail time of up to six months.

• Second conviction: Fine of between $3,000 and $10,000 and imprisonment for a term of up to one year.

• Repeated conviction: Drink driver faces enhanced punishment of up to three times the penalty, a maximum $30,000 fine and three years’ imprisonment.

• Offenders causing death or serious injury can also be caned up to six strokes. In addition, convicted offenders will be disqualified from driving for at least a year, even if they didn’t cause any accidents. Driving licenses suspended for more than a year will be automatically revoked.

Hence no one can predict how long your imprisonment will be until the day you face the trail. However, the sentence normally based on:

• whether your alcohol content is high
• whether you did meet an accident while you drinking and caused some one injured or die
• whether you have previous record of drunk driving and other serious traffic offence
• whether you are speeding when you get caught
• whether you are driving a car without license when get caught and at the same time drink driving
• whether you are driving a car without proper insurance or road tax when get caught
• whether you are cooperating fully with the traffic police during the road block
• whether you have behave well during the road block

There are many factors to consider for a judge to sentence an offender. For me, it’s purely one charge that is drinking driving. But for some, it might have few charges and that determines the prison, fine and disqualified license. I could say, at this point, many of us like me caught drink driving should not concern about our driving license because we know the result. However I believe many who face the same problem have a concern “how long will I be in prison?”

1st timer
Normally for 1st timer, if no accident involved and your alcohol content is not high in your breath, you should get a fine from S$3k - $5k and at least 1 year revoke license. If you can’t pay the fine, you can chose to pay through prison terms which normally 2-3 weeks.

2nd timer
Normally for 2nd timer, if no accident involved and your alcohol content is not high in your breath, you should get compulsory imprisonment for 2 weeks – 4 weeks, a fine from S$5k-S$8K and at least 3-5 year revoke license. If you can’t pay the fine, you can choose to pay through prison terms which normally 2-3 additional weeks on top of the current prison terms.

3rd timer
Normally for 3rd timer, if no accident involved and your alcohol content is not high in your breath, you should get compulsory imprisonment for 6 weeks – 10 weeks, a fine from S$8K – S$12K and no more license for you. If you can’t pay the fine, you can choose to pay through prison terms which normally 4-8 weeks additional weeks on top of the current prison terms.

However, in any case, if you involved in speeding, dangerous driving, an accident or extreme high alcohol contend or worst injured someone, you will face few extra charges and some might face compulsory longer imprisonment on top of the charges from drink driving, and even canning if caused someone to die.

In short, your sentence will base on your charges and the condition of you when you get caught on the spot.

Again, I am not the judge and assured you that you will get such sentence and in the end you get upset.

I was on court 21 and I hear similar case being charge in court and their sentences. So this is my assumption and pleased don’t take it as final. As I say, each case is unit and again NO ONE WILL KNOW what will happen in the court.

If you have a case to flight, perhaps the sentence might wave or even get lighter sentences.

What to expect in Court and prison?

What to expect in court and prison

At the court, it is recommended you bring someone along so that he or she could inform your family about the sentence.
1. What must I wear in court?

You can wear t-shirt and jeans. However, please try not to wear slippers and short paints. It gives no respect to the judge although many say the sentence is still the same. Who knows?

2. How much is the fine and how much must I bring?
Normally for second time, it is somewhere $5K-S$10. If you are prepare to pay, pass to someone who is accompany you because you can’t pay yourself when after sentence.

3. What if I can’t pay?
The judge will let you know how long you will stay if you can’t effort to pay. For my case, $500 per day in prison. Hence a total of 10 days is added on top of my imprisonment sentence. That means 14days plus 10 days = 24 days. After deduction, total 17 days early release.

4. What happen after sentence?
You will be escorted into a in-house cell at basement where you will see many others join you.

5. Call I make a call?
Yes, you are given one chance to make a call for 5 mins. Please make full use of it to contact the important person. After that you would not allow to make a single call in the prison.

At the prison….

6. DisciplineIn prison, it demands 100% discipline and following instruction. Try not to act blur or re-act slowly to the instruction given by prison officer. Be attentive and alert to all instruction and follow closely. If not clear, ask.

7. Remain quite during fall in
You will have fall in everyday (except sat and Sunday). During fall in, tried to talk less and remain silence if possible. Tried not to be talkative or play jokes during fall in.

8. Shouting/rebuking from prison officer
It is common to hear shouting and rebuking in prison. If you behave well, you will not get it from officer.

9. Prison Number
On the 1st day you enter in Changi prison, you will be given a tag with your prison number. Remember your number because in prison, they call by numbers. Do not destroy the hand tag. In the tag, you will see either S or L. S = short sentence and L for long sentence.

10. Date of release
When you are sentence, many inmates will speculate when is the release date. On the 2nd day in prison, you will see a high rank officer and he will tell you the actual date of release. Here are some of the common questions:

11. Can I make a call?
No. But you can request the prison to left a message to your family during the interview. The prison will call behalf of you.

12. Will my family know where I stay and the date of release?
Yes! The prison will send letters to inform your family and also the visit if any.

13. Will there be deduction of my whole sentence date?
For sentence more than 2 weeks or 14 days, no deduction. But Yes to sentence more the 15 days. The prison will have deduction like ¾ based of your sentence. For example if you sentence for 3 weeks (21 days), you only be in prison for 15 days. This applies to months and long sentence.

12.1 Will there be extra deduction if I stay during public holidays?

12.2 Will there be deduction if I performance is good in prison
No because the prison will automatic deduct for you for stay more then 14 days.

14. How many people in a cell? Can I choose? Will it be the same race or religions?
4 people in a cell. Cannot choose. For short sentence, you might stay together with others races and nationalities.

15. How big is the cell?
In Changi cluster B, the cell is good enough for 4 inmates, a toilet and some extra space to move around. But, not big. There is a small window where you could see the sunlight and sunset. But you can enjoy open space.

In Admiralty prison, you will stay with most foreigners and the cell is much bigger then contains 12 people. The good side is that you can see outside and enjoy open air concept. But the bad part is that too many inmates and mostly foreigners like India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam and so forth. Mostly people who over stay in Singapore.

16. Where is the toilet and drinking water?
The toilet is inside the cell and it is squat type. The drinking water is on top of the toilet and you use it for shower and drinking together.

17. Is the toilet dirty?
It is 100% clean unless the last inmates did not wash. Because we together along the toilet, hence most toilet are keep very clean and no smell.

18. Is the water available 24 hrs? How many times I can bath?
In Changi, waters only comes certain timing like after your mean. Normally 1 hr before they close. You can bath as much as you wan when water is available.
In Admiralty, it is tap concept. So water is available for 24 hours. But you are not allowed to bath inside the cell. You have 1 bath per day outside where you and your inmates bath together.

19. Expect to get naked
In prison, be expected to be naked especially in Admiralty. In Admiralty, before you enter into your cell and go out your cell, you must take out everything and show to the prison officer. Please do take too long to undress yourself because the officer with rebuke you if you take your time.

20. Will there be daily activities?
For short sentence, normally you stay in Change for very short time because you will be move to Admiralty prison. Only long sentence inmates will stay in Changi and once they settle down, they will have go out to yard (which is indoor in Changi) for some activities like play basket ball, jogging, see news paper or some just talking. But you get to move to bigger space and enjoy more with more people.
In Admiralty, you will be confine for 1 weeks which means no yard.

21. Take turns to clean the cell
It is an agreement between the inmates to take turns and clean the cell. In Changi, we clean after each mean and each have its turn. In Admiralty, the cell is bigger normally takes 3 people to wash up per mean.

22. A personal box
In the cell, you will be given a personal container box where it contains 2 blankets, 1 short tooth brush, 1 tooth paste, 1 plastic spoon, 1 plastic mug, 1 small container, 1 tower, 1 soap., 1 soap box, and 1 sleeping mat.
Know that all this have to return upon your release or transfer. Any loss or damage, the prison will charge you and you will be sentence by the prison.

23. Food in prison
Sample, mainly steam food. Not fantastic but eatable. At a start we might not finish every meal. But you will get use to it after a while. If we can’t finish your food, you can share your part to your inmates who have bigger appetite.
The food served normally the same circle of dish every week, and fruits are served only at lunch. The fruits will be banana, apple and orange. Morning will be standard where we are served with 2 breads and a tea / coffee.

24. Master Check
Master check will be announced normally before meal and before sleep. Master check is where all the inmates must fall in with tuck in shirts and stand side by side. The Master which is the prison officer will check each cell. In Changi, there are about 4 Master Check. In Admiralty, there are 5 Master checks.

25. Report Sick
You must report sick at the evening during the Master Check. They will arrange you to see the next morning. If happens you felt sick in the morning, you might schedule the next day unless very serious.

26. Can I serve inside the prison like cookies?
Inmates who served inside the prison are known as cookies. For short sentence, the prison will not ask you to serve. Only for long sentence.

27. Should I give my contacts to my close inmates?
Advisable not to! Mainly because you don’t know their background. But whether to give is your decision. But please do not write your contacts or others inmate contacts on a paper or on your hand. You will definite get into trouble and properly get extra charge.

28. Can I shave and cut finger nails?
You are allowed to shave 3 times a week along with a nail cutter to cut your nails. All are given a person hand shaver with your prison number.

29. Do not listen too much and get influenced
In prison, you will meet all kinds of inmates. Some load shark case, some gangster, some thief, some traffic offence and so forth.
Be general and interact but don’t get too involved with crime stories because they sound so attractive.

30. Can my family member still visit me for short sentence?
Yes, if you stay more than 14 days. You are allowed 3 people to visit you. Although they say can bring books, but for short sentence normally they don’t approve especially religions book. I don’t know the visit day in Changi

31. You will get out soon
Last but not least, you will get out soon. Don’t create un-necessary problem. Be humble and not proud. Don’t boast how much your earned and so forth. That doesn’t means you need to lie.
My recommendation is to interact so to kill time. If you stay alone and be lonely ranger, your time will pass very slowly.